Game Title: M.U.L.E. Number of Disks: 1 Publisher and/or Developer: Electronic Arts Retail, Budget or Compilation (with name): Retail Year: 1983 Country of Release: US Language(s): English Platform (Amiga, AtariST, PC etc): Atari Home Computer (400/800/etc..) Media Type (3.5Inch, 5.25Inch etc): 5.25Inch Recommended Model (Amiga 500, Atari STE, CPC 6128+ etc): Atari 8-bit Place of Purchase: eBay Game Working: Yes NTSC or PAL: NTSC Any Extra Information: Purchased Disks off of eBay. Re-Dumped, and now works fine when converted with a8rawconv.exe. Error on Track 04 Side 0 is part of copy protection.